Saturday, June 16, 2012

Life is what YOU make of it.

I will take time today to notice my breathing; signaling that I am Alive.
I will take time today to be thankful for all my blessings; the obvious and the hidden ones.
I will take time today to focus on me; even if only for 15 minutes.
I will take time today to acknowledge that my life is of my making; the choice is always mine.
I will take time today to honor my spirit.
I will take time today to thank God.

Today I will look around me and take note of all that is good. Life is a beautiful gift with infinite possibilities.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Power Has Always Been Within You

Life is limitless, your options are endless! Never box yourself into someone else's idea of a successful you. A good friend of mine brought it to my attention that we, parents, are very good at telling our children that they can be anyone they CHOOSE to be. Where does that speech go when it comes to ourselves? What happens between childhood and adulthood that we no longer believe this to be true and just settle? Spread your wings and fly!
There is never a wrong path in life; never a wrong decision. Every choice we have made has taught us something about ourselves. Instead of beating ourselves up about "wrong" choices we have made; look at what it has taught you.

When I was in my early 20's I tried to be a crafter. I bought many crafting supplies and made some projects; which were not very good. If I were to look at the experience through a negative lens, I would think I wasted my time and money. But, instead I choose to see it as a positive learning experience. I learned that I was no good at crafting. Many funny family stories came out of my projects, which still make us laugh some 15 years later.

Time will pass, no matter what. Every experience we have has made us who we are today. I wouldn't trade any part of my life, as I like who I have become thanks to all of my experiences.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Most days I am a rebel, but every now and then I let others judgements and opinions seep in. I suppose that is what makes me human. I know the only way to be successful is to be true to myself, be the Authentic me. Success is not a word with one definition; success is different for everyone. The only way to measure success is against ourselves, not society. It can be a tricky balance; how to be you in a world where Everyone has an opinion. I ask; who are these experts? The "experts" as basing their judgements on their life experience, not yours. Sure, there may be some similarities, but there is only one you in the world. We are unique to the world, therefore no real expert exists but ourselves.
Be your own expert!

 Be true to who you are and you will never go wrong. Trust in your self, base you current understanding on everything that has happened thus far, confidently blaze the path that you choose, and always remember that this is your journey. Own your life and your experience, as this path has been laid for you. There are no wrong turns on the path of life. All of them will lead you to a deeper understanding of who you are and teach you something you did not know. The greatest learning we will ever do is not in college, but in Life School.
A wonderful way to put yourself on the right track is to affirm what you want through writing. If you have time today, make a list of what you want in your life.  Remember this list is ONLY based on you, not your mom, husband, wife, or society. This is a perfect way of welcoming change into your life. Write statements that begin with "I will ..." This list is not just about career, it is about any and all areas of your life. Another idea is to write what success looks like to YOU.

Once you change your thought process from what you don't want to what you will have, you open up the door to your life and allow abundance to flow through.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness."

— Thich Nhat Hanh