I really did not realize, until recently, how much of my life has been spent trying to live up to the expectations of others. I always thought that I did what I wanted and did not care what anyone thought. This may have been true of myself when I was younger, but somewhere along the road, I succumb to the pressure of fitting in to the expectations of others. These "others" are not necessarily people I know, they are societal expectations and lessons that I have learned from anyone and everyone who has stepped into my life.There are rules for every part of life; what kind of spouse you should be, what kind of parent you should be, what kind of worker you should be, the list could go on and on. Trying to live up to others expectations takes the joy out of YOUR life, and in place adds stress and pressure.
When we were young children, we did what felt right. We listened to our intuition, not taking into account anyone else's opinion. We have all seen the child at a festival, dancing to good music, in front of strangers. The child is doing what feels right, what feels natural and good. They do not care how they look to other's, they are not thinking about how people will judge them. They are following their natural instincts.
It is up to you to take responsibility for your life. Own it, It belongs to you. Once you start to free yourself from others opinions and judgement's, you free yourself to start living. The ONLY one who knows best how you should live your life, is you. You are the creator of your existence. Revel in the joy of knowing that as a creator, You can paint the scene of life exactly the way you wish it to look.
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