While having a conversation with my husband today about the current state of drought we are in, I realized just how much we fight against what is. It is very hard for us Midwesterners to accept that our lawn is not green. We pride ourselves on our green lawns. In fact, there is a game we play called "Who has the greenest lawn". It's just one more way we identify ourselves; make ourselves feel superior.
It is another way that we maintain control over our environment; taking claim and ownership over OUR yard. But wait; is it really OUR yard? Do we really have control over our environment? We think we do, and this is what causes people to freak-out when things do not go the way they had planned. We are living in a very false sense of security; a belief that things will always go the way we want them to. When the tide turns and life goes a different direction; we hold on desperately to what was, what we think it should be. This is a very painful way to go about life; always struggling and swimming against the tide. Sometimes the Universe knows better than us what it is that we need. Instead of expending so much energy holding on to what was, allow the path before you to naturally unfold. There is a whole world of experiences out there, just waiting for us to engage. Life is not supposed to be a neat little box that we have tucked ourselves into. Open yourself up to the joy of change, as it brings with it an opportunity for growth like no other.
The grass knows that it is no longer being nourished, it is not fighting what was. Instead, it is following the natural ebbs and flows of life; lying in wait for the next opportunity for growth.The grass is part of the natural cycle of life.There are quiet times of rest and reflection on what was, and times of growth and expansion, just as is for human beings. We will not force change on our grass, we will allow it to rest as the universe is calling it to do. We will wait for the sky to open and the rain to fall, we will go with the natural flow of life.
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