Looking for more peace in your life? Looking for more contentment? Looking to connect with yourself, your spirit? Then look no further than your backyard. Make a date with yourself to sit outside, under the dark star-studded sky. It is truly magnificent. What better way to connect with self, than to connect with the world around you.
The dark of the night envelops you; pulling you into its calm, serenading you with its silence. For the first time all day, I can hear my thoughts. It is so quiet and still, I actually notice my breathing. When was the last time you allowed yourself to sit without guilt, without distractions, and definitely without electronics? Probably been a very long time. We need to do this, it is important for the well being of our human self and our spirit.We have lost our way, as we have lost connection to the most important person in our lives, our self. It is not possible to take care of those around us, or the many things we do in the day, if we do not put ourselves first. It's just as they say on the airplane; "Put your oxygen mask on first, then help the person next to you". Take time to just sit and "be".
The night is the perfect time to center yourself. The kids are in bed, the dishes are put away, and the house is as straightened as it will be. Give yourself the gift of relaxing alone, surrounded by the beauty of the night. You deserve it, you work hard all day. This is your time to breathe and let go of the stresses of life. Renew and refresh your spirit, just as the night is allowing our world to renew and refresh for the day to come.
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