Monday, July 9, 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012

While having a conversation with my husband today about the current state of drought we are in, I realized just how much we fight against what is. It is very hard for us Midwesterners to accept that our lawn is not green. We pride ourselves on our green lawns. In fact, there is  a game we play called "Who has the greenest lawn".  It's just one more way we identify ourselves; make ourselves feel superior.

 It is another way that we maintain control over our environment; taking claim and ownership over OUR yard. But wait; is it really OUR yard? Do we really have control over our environment? We think we do, and this is what causes people to freak-out when things do not go the way they had planned. We are living in a very false sense of security; a belief that things will always go the way we want them to. When the tide turns and life goes a different direction; we hold on desperately to what was, what we think it should be. This is a very painful way to go about life; always struggling and swimming against the tide. Sometimes the Universe knows better than us what it is that we need. Instead of expending so much energy holding on to what was, allow the path before you to naturally unfold. There is a whole world of experiences out there, just waiting for us to engage. Life is not supposed to be a neat little box that we have tucked ourselves into. Open yourself up to the joy of change, as it brings with it an opportunity for growth like no other.

 The grass knows that it is no longer being nourished, it is not fighting what was. Instead, it is following the natural ebbs and flows of life; lying in wait for the next opportunity for growth.The grass is part of the natural cycle of life.There are quiet times of rest and reflection on what was, and times of growth and expansion, just as is for human beings. We will not force change on our grass, we will allow it to rest as the universe is calling it to do. We will wait for the sky to open and the rain to fall, we will go with the natural flow of life. 

Friday, July 6, 2012


Looking for more peace in your life? Looking for more contentment? Looking to connect with yourself, your spirit? Then look no further than your backyard. Make a date with yourself to sit outside, under the dark star-studded sky. It is truly magnificent. What better way to connect with self, than to connect with the world around you. 

The dark of the night envelops you; pulling you into its calm, serenading you with its silence. For the first time all day, I can hear my thoughts. It is so quiet and still, I actually notice my breathing. When was the last time you allowed yourself to sit without guilt, without distractions, and definitely without electronics? Probably been a very long time. We need to do this, it is important for the well being of our human self and our spirit.We have lost our way, as we have lost connection to the most important person in our lives, our self. It is not possible to take care of those around us, or the many things we do in the day, if we do not put ourselves first. It's just as they say on the airplane; "Put your oxygen mask on first, then help the person next to you". Take time to just sit and "be". 

The night is the perfect time to center yourself. The kids are in bed, the dishes are put away, and the house is as straightened as it will be. Give yourself the gift of relaxing alone, surrounded by the beauty of the night. You deserve it, you work hard all day. This is your time to breathe and let go of the stresses of life. Renew and refresh your spirit, just as the night is allowing our world to renew and refresh for the day to come. 

Listen to the soft whispers, gentle nudges, and the quiet guidance from Spirit. Your spirit and the spirits of the Universe are  always working in harmony to guide you on your life's purpose. We did not come to Earth to be unhappy, stressed, and unfulfilled. We have allowed ourselves to become this way by permitting outside factors to control our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. We have lost connection to our true selves, causing great unbalance. It is time to take responsibility for the quality of your life. Your spirit is waiting patiently for your willingness to participate in the life you are meant to live; with happiness, purpose, and love. How you choose to spend your time on this Earth is always up to you. Absolutely nothing is set in stone, as you can change directions any time you wish. If you so choose to live your life on Purpose, then listen closely, as spirit speaks softly and guides gently. Have faith in knowing that you are never alone. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Happy 4th of July! This is the day we celebrate our Independence as a country, our Freedom as a nation. While we are celebrating our Freedom as a nation; today is a perfect day to celebrate our freedom as individuals. As we are paying homage to our free country, take time to honor your free self as well. We are free to be anyone we wish to be; in the country of America and in ourselves. Our ancestors came to America to live a free life; the life they had dreamed of. They stood up for their rights, for what they believed in. They stood up for the life that belonged to them.

Let's not let our ancestors down, stand up for the life you have dreamed of. You can be anyone you choose in America, thanks to the fight already won. DO NOT let this day go by without acknowledging your power in this world, your power over your own life.The power in your life starts with your thoughts and beliefs. What you think and how you feel, create the life you live. You are now, and have always been, the ONLY one in charge of you. Enjoy this day of Freedom in our Country, and take it with you the rest of the year, as freedom is always yours! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Your thoughts create your life, choose them wisely.
I really did not realize, until recently, how much of my life has been spent trying to live up to the expectations of others. I always thought that I did what I wanted and did not care what anyone thought. This may have been true of myself when I was younger, but somewhere along the road, I succumb to the pressure of fitting in to the expectations of others. These "others" are not necessarily people I know, they are societal expectations and lessons that I have learned from anyone and everyone who has stepped into my life.There are rules for every part of life; what kind of spouse you should be, what kind of parent you should be, what kind of worker you should be, the list could go on and on. Trying to live up to others expectations takes the joy out of YOUR life, and in place adds stress and pressure.

When we were young children, we did what felt right. We listened to our intuition, not taking into account anyone else's opinion. We have all seen the child at a festival, dancing to good music, in front of strangers. The child is doing what feels right, what feels natural and good. They do not care how they look to other's, they are not thinking about how people will judge them. They are following their natural instincts.

It is up to you to take responsibility for your life. Own it, It belongs to you. Once you start to free yourself from others opinions and judgement's, you free yourself to start living. The ONLY one who knows best how you should live your life, is you. You are the creator of your existence. Revel in the joy of knowing that as a creator, You can paint the scene of life exactly the way you wish it to look.

Friday, June 29, 2012

I read an article from another blog this morning that got me fired up. The article really hit home with my own beliefs and backed up what I have been saying for a long time now. We, as a society,seem to place our value on what someone is not good at, instead of placing the value on the gifts we bring to the world. The article talked about expecting people to be good at everything, especially in school. It is not possible to be good at EVERYTHING. Instead of feeling like a failure and placing focus on something that is not your natural gift, place your focus on what you can do well. Take your natural gifts and hone in on them. Every one of us has a gift, something important to share with the world. Every life has value. Let's stop looking at the negative, in ourselves and others, and encourage and appreciate the uniqueness we can share with the world. 
Here is an article I found on Facebook that I would like to share

Born with Love by Marianne Williamson

When we were born, we were programmed perfectly.  We had a natural tendency to focus on love.  Our imaginations were creative and flourishing, and we knew how to use them.  We were connected to a world much richer than the one we connect to now, a world full of enchantment and a sense of the miraculous.
So what happened?  Why is it that we reached a certain age, looked around, and the enchantment was gone?
Because we were taught to focus elsewhere.  We were taught to focus elsewhere.  We were taught to think unnaturally.  We were taught a very bad philosophy, a way of looking at the world that contradicts who we are.
We were taught to think thoughts like competition, struggle, sickness, finite resources, limitation, guilt, bad, death, scarcity, and loss.  We began to think these things, and so we began to know them.  We were taught that things like grades, being good enough, money, and doing things the right way, are more important than love.  We were taught that we're separate from other people, that we have to compete to get ahead, that we're not quite good enough the way we are.  We were taught to see the world the way that others had come to see it.  It's as though, as soon as we got here, we were given a sleeping pill.  The thinking of the world, which is not based on love, began pounding in our ears the moment we hit shore.
Love is what we were born with.  fear is what we learned here.  The spiritual journey is the relinquishment, or unlearning, of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.  Love is the essential existential fact.  It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth.  To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life.
Meaning doesn't lie in things.  Meaning lies in us.  When we attach value to things that aren't love -- the money, the car, the house, the prestige -- we are loving things that can't love us back.  We are searching for meaning in the meaningless.  Money, of itself, means nothing.  Material things, of themselves, mean nothing.  It's not that they're bad.  It's that they're nothing.
We came here to co-create with God by extending love.  Life spent with any other purpose in mind is meaningless, contrary to our nature, and ultimately painful.  It's as though we've been lost in a dark, parallel universe where things are loved more than people.  We overvalue what we perceive with our physical senses, and undervalue what we know to be true in our hearts.
Love isn't material.  It's energy.  It's the feeling in a room, a situation, a person.  Money can't buy it.  Sex doesn't guarantee it.  It has nothing at all to do with the physical world, but it can be expressed nonetheless.  We experience it as kindness, giving, mercy, compassion, peace, joy, acceptance, non-judgment, joining, and intimacy.
Fear is our shared lovelessness, our individual and collective hells.  It's a world that seems to press on us from within and without, giving constant false testimony to the meaninglessness of love.  When fear is expressed, we recognize it as anger, abuse, disease, pain, greed, addiction, selfishness, obsession, corruption, violence, and war.
Love is hidden within us.  It cannot be destroyed, but can only be hidden.  The world we knew as children is still buried within our minds.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today I am grateful for: 

  • Swinging with my son
  • The shower; for it's warmth, calmness, and relaxation.
  • Gentle reminders of who I choose to be
  • New opportunities that encourage growth
  • The sun; helping me to feel energized
  • The beauty of a child's spirit 
  • Summer

My life; I am thankful for another day to be alive to. Another day to spend with my kids and husband. Another day to learn and grow. One more day to experience all that life has to offer. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Teacher:  A person who teaches in a school. 

Teach:  To cause someone to know something, to cause to know how, to impart the knowledge of, and to instruct by example or experience. 

I wonder why we would limit the definition of a teacher to one who teaches in a school. The latter defines every one of us. We are all teachers. Every day, everything we say and do has an insurmountable impact on the world in which we live. We are teaching those around us, whether we realize it or not. Not only are we teachers for others, but everyone we come in contact with are teachers for us. 
In the school of life, not all teachers will have lessons that we like. Every lesson in life has meaning and importance. When you come across a teacher or lesson that you do not like, the choice is always yours. If you choose to learn and grow from it, your soul will not feel the need to repeat that exact lesson, and will be able to move on. Your entire life is a compilation of the lessons you have already learned from the teachers that have blessed your life. Every one of us has great power; everything we say, do, and think ripples through the Universe, effecting everyone it touches. Take pride and responsibility in the fact that you have the power to change lives; yours as much as those around you. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

When you believe in who you are, have confidence in who you are, and know where you are going, you no longer need anyone else's validation. ~ TD Jakes
When looking to make a positive change in your life, first make a choice. Choice is power. Choice puts you in control of your life and holds you accountable for the outcome. Transformation takes time, but once a choice is made, the process of change is set in motion.Start with setting an intention, starting with "I will..." Switch your focus from what isn't working in your life, to what you are grateful for. What we focus on EXPANDS, so focus on what makes you happy, what feels good, what you choose your life to be. Once this shift is made, you will naturally start to gravitate towards the life you are here to live. Your life has purpose and meaning, it is a gift given to you. It's your choice.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Worry. Worry steals your time, your energy, and your happiness. Worry is a completely useless feeling that causes us to stay stuck, with no forward movement. When was the last time that worry made a situation better? I can tell you from experience, it has NEVER helped one bit. In fact, it has only made things worse, causing negative thoughts and feelings to creep in and take over. Worry makes problems grow and grow, until they feel out-of-control and hopeless. 
Next time worry starts to creep in and take over, choose to let go. Give the problem to God, the Universe, Buda, who or what you believe in. You will feel much lighter, and once again be able to focus on the present moment. Your present moment is truly all you have, as the future is not here. Everything always works out, just as it is meant to. 
Trust and just LET GO. 

Throw Yourself into Life!

“The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way 

that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can 

change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are 

exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if 

we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw 

yourself.” -Orson Scott Card

Friday, June 22, 2012

Since the passing of my mother, the world has opened up like a beautiful flower. I see the beauty and the importance in everything around me. I hear and see messages,everywhere I am. I believe my mother is guiding me along; giving me the gift of Life. Through my mother, I have passed through death, and have come out on the other side. I will forever be changed, for the better, because of my mom. I am thankful for all the gifts she gave me in life, and in death. My life will not be wasted doing things that do not make me happy, complaining about what isn't working, and allowing others opinions to stop my journey. I will live my life in accordance with who I am, and be grateful for all that God has given me. Thank you mom for reminding me of what is important.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Today I will honor the Gypsy in me; the free spirited, fun loving, go with the flow adventurer I have always been. Take time to  honor your true self, YOU are worth it! 
When you align yourself with who you truly are, happiness will follow. Be you today!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

There is always something so magical about Summer.It brings many things, but beauty and freedom are top on my list. When was the last time you sat outside and looked around? I mean Really looked around at the world in which you live? I went years without noticing the beauty of our human world. I was so busy being busy that I had no idea our world was so spectacular. I sat outside last night with my 7 yr. old son and marveled at the darkness of the night; lined with the stars in the sky and  fireflies lighting the open space. All of my wonderful childhood memories came flooding back to me. The joy I once felt somehow vanished when I became an adult. I believe that we somehow think that in order to be an adult, we can no longer enjoy our lives like we did as children. Who came up with this idea? We go from having a Wide Open focus on all the magnificence our world has to offer, to having a ridiculously narrow view. We are selling ourselves short! One day we will no longer be here on Earth, as we will have moved on to the other side. It is our time, now, to enjoy ALL that life has to offer. Do not cut yourself off, do not sell yourself short. You do deserve the moon and the stars. You do deserve to have ALL of the wonder and happiness that life has to offer. Happiness is yours for the taking. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tonight I was sitting on a bench in the front of my house. This bench was horribly uncomfortable, it hurt my back and my bottom. I continued to sit on the bench even though it was uncomfortable and causing me pain. I pondered on this for a bit, why exactly was I still doing something that was not working and causing me pain. I realize that I am not the only one who does this, many people continue to do things that are painful and not working. The longer I sat, the pain did start to ease up a bit. I thought "Ha, I won!" Then, I realized that the pain was really still there, it had just become more tolerable because I was adjusting to it. I thought to myself, should I really have to adjust to something that causes me pain? We all do this to some magnitude in our lives, we adjust and just deal with it. I do not think this is the way to a happy, fulfilling life. We deserve better than that! We should not just walk around suffering, when there is absolutely no reason to. I think we have the idea of strength all wrong. Strength is not about suffering through life, Strength is having the courage to know when it is time to move on. We are strongest when we stop fighting the pain and give in to the resistance; allowing positive change to occur. 

Today I am light and free of worries and troubles.

 Life will happen, good experiences and challenging ones. The key is to find the meaning and purpose in the challenging experiences. It is alright to take  time to adjust to the challenges, allowing yourself time to feel. Problems only arise when we are unable to move past this stage, blocking our own transformation. There will be many challenges set before us throughout our lives. These challenges are a necessity, as all experiences are an opportunity for learning and growth.

I have trust and faith that the universe will deliver what my soul needs. I am a better person today thanks to the challenges I have gone through.

I am free of worries and troubles because I know that whatever is thrown in my path I will overcome. This is my life and it is always up to me how I live it.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


On my way to work yesterday, I saw a blind man walking through the intersection in front of me. In that moment, I realized how dependent we have become solely on our eyes.At first glance, I felt bad for this man. I thought to myself, how hard it must be to have to trust in the world you live in without being able to use your sight for judgement. But then I realized that he is probably much better off than we are.This man is using his inner voice, his intuition to guide him. He has trust and faith that he will be alright; that he will be able to get to the other side of the road. He is trusting in what he cannot see. Maybe our eyes have actually led us astray. We depend on them to tell us everything. Our eyes cannot tell us what is in our future, therefore we have a very hard time trusting that it will work out as it should. We are constantly fearful of the unknown, what we cannot see, which keeps us stuck in a situation that no longer works for us. There is a whole world of possibilities out there. In order to experience a full life, the life we were sent her to live, we will need to close our eyes and trust in what we cannot see. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Life is what YOU make of it.

I will take time today to notice my breathing; signaling that I am Alive.
I will take time today to be thankful for all my blessings; the obvious and the hidden ones.
I will take time today to focus on me; even if only for 15 minutes.
I will take time today to acknowledge that my life is of my making; the choice is always mine.
I will take time today to honor my spirit.
I will take time today to thank God.

Today I will look around me and take note of all that is good. Life is a beautiful gift with infinite possibilities.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Power Has Always Been Within You

Life is limitless, your options are endless! Never box yourself into someone else's idea of a successful you. A good friend of mine brought it to my attention that we, parents, are very good at telling our children that they can be anyone they CHOOSE to be. Where does that speech go when it comes to ourselves? What happens between childhood and adulthood that we no longer believe this to be true and just settle? Spread your wings and fly!
There is never a wrong path in life; never a wrong decision. Every choice we have made has taught us something about ourselves. Instead of beating ourselves up about "wrong" choices we have made; look at what it has taught you.

When I was in my early 20's I tried to be a crafter. I bought many crafting supplies and made some projects; which were not very good. If I were to look at the experience through a negative lens, I would think I wasted my time and money. But, instead I choose to see it as a positive learning experience. I learned that I was no good at crafting. Many funny family stories came out of my projects, which still make us laugh some 15 years later.

Time will pass, no matter what. Every experience we have has made us who we are today. I wouldn't trade any part of my life, as I like who I have become thanks to all of my experiences.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Most days I am a rebel, but every now and then I let others judgements and opinions seep in. I suppose that is what makes me human. I know the only way to be successful is to be true to myself, be the Authentic me. Success is not a word with one definition; success is different for everyone. The only way to measure success is against ourselves, not society. It can be a tricky balance; how to be you in a world where Everyone has an opinion. I ask; who are these experts? The "experts" as basing their judgements on their life experience, not yours. Sure, there may be some similarities, but there is only one you in the world. We are unique to the world, therefore no real expert exists but ourselves.
Be your own expert!

 Be true to who you are and you will never go wrong. Trust in your self, base you current understanding on everything that has happened thus far, confidently blaze the path that you choose, and always remember that this is your journey. Own your life and your experience, as this path has been laid for you. There are no wrong turns on the path of life. All of them will lead you to a deeper understanding of who you are and teach you something you did not know. The greatest learning we will ever do is not in college, but in Life School.
A wonderful way to put yourself on the right track is to affirm what you want through writing. If you have time today, make a list of what you want in your life.  Remember this list is ONLY based on you, not your mom, husband, wife, or society. This is a perfect way of welcoming change into your life. Write statements that begin with "I will ..." This list is not just about career, it is about any and all areas of your life. Another idea is to write what success looks like to YOU.

Once you change your thought process from what you don't want to what you will have, you open up the door to your life and allow abundance to flow through.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness."

— Thich Nhat Hanh

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same 

way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you 

can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, 

work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying 

to control.” -Elizabeth Gilbert
 Instead of affirming what you do not want in your life, affirm what you do want. The more energy you give to what isn't working, the more of that you will get.

What we focus on expands. 

Make a list of what you want in your life; but instead of writing "I want...."
write, "I will have...."

Your thought's will pull you into that direction. It is the Law of Attraction.

Our lives are of our design. We always have the power to create the life we want. This is your ride, no-body elses. For much too long, we have allowed other's opinions and judgement's to rule our lives; to make the decisions for us. We all have little voices in our heads from our mothers, fathers, teachers, bosses; Society. We have rolled all of these voices into why we can't, why we are not good enough, why we shouldn't. We have allowed these voices to create the barriers to our happiness. It is time to take ownership of your life, of your happiness. This Life is Your Gift. Be true to yourself and you will find the happiness you long for and deserve.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Dance of the Cottonwood

Have you ever watched a piece of Cottonwood Tree flow through the air? It is a beautiful representation of life. The cottonwood flows where ever the air takes it. It flows up, it flows down, and side by side. It just goes the direction that the air moves it. There are no barriers while in the air, nothing to stop its flow. Eventually it may bump into something solid,  but it is so light and free that it lifts itself back up and flows again.Only does the cottonwood stop moving forward when it is no longer in the flow. The cottonwood has no preconceived notions of what life is about, nothing to hold it back from it's journey. The cottonwood is in the continual dance of life. The cottonwood does not resists the flow, as it lets the air take it naturally to its next path.

We can use the cottonwood as a wonderful example of a life without the barriers. Life is in constant flow. We would feel just as free and wonderful as the cottonwood if we would let go and flow with life. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Universe will always provide, all you have to do is clarify what it is that you want. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Ego tells us many lies- we are better, we are right, our way is best, we are the smartest....Ego boost us up by putting others down. Ego does not love, Ego does not connect us; it pulls us apart. Ego seperates us from all others, Ego keeps us alone. Ego allows us to  treat others badly, Ego makes excuses for our bad behavior. Ego controls our decisions. Ego is a prison. 


Love connects us. Love nourishes us; it feeds our soul. Love allows us to see past the faults of others; with the knowledge that we have all come from the same source. Love lifts the divider between You and Me. Love frees us, Love opens our eyes to the glories around us. Love is excepting, love heals, Love lifts you up, Love is the Light of God!

Love begins with you; love yourself. Once you can truly accept and love yourself, that love will spill over into everyone and everything you touch. We are all connected through love. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day started out rough, but turning out wonderful. We do have the power to change our day by changing what we focus on. It's truly in our hands. Being grateful and appreciative is the easiest way to shift focus.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Every day is a gift! Treasure it, hold it tight! You can never get today back; this is the only today you will ever have. Do not put off your life for tomorrow, as you have no guarantee that tomorrow will come. Give all your worries to God and be thankful for every moment that you are here on Earth.

Today is the day to Live                  

What freedom means to me

Free to laugh, Free to play, Free to live, Free to enjoy my kids, Free to run, Free to travel, Free to experience, Free to just Be, Free to relax, Free to have fun, Free to help others, Free to make a difference in the world, Free to do as I was sent here to do, Free from burdens, Free to dance, Free to make a difference in the lives of others,Free to live life the way I choose, Free to have time for those who are important,Free to smile, Free to live life fully, Free to be me! 


What does this mean to you? 
Today, make a list of how you can apply this one word to your life. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Trade your expectation for appreciation and the world changes instantly~ Tony Robbins

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I am Grateful

I am grateful for the sun

I am grateful that my son was kind to his little brother

I am grateful for quiet time on my deck

Human death WILL happen. What do you want to be remembered for?

Monday, May 7, 2012

You can do anything you want in life. No-one is stopping you, this life is your gift. It's time to throw out all the rules; break them, stomp on them, laugh at them, because the power has always been with you. Let's stop boxing ourselves in.
Today, tell yourself " I am the master of my destiny, it's all up to me"

Friday, May 4, 2012


In order to feel happy, life needs to be of our design. When we are constantly trying to fit our lives into someone else's rules, we cause ourselves constant stress and pressure. I don't know about you, but I am tired of boxing myself into someone else's ideas, they just do not work for me anymore. Freedom

Friday, April 27, 2012

The more we try to control things in life that are beyond our 

control, the more control we 

loose within our selves. Surrender yourself to control and just 

go with the flow of life. It truly 

is much more opulent if we just let life be and enjoy what 

already is before us. Within the 

flow and ease of life lies our connection to true strength and 

power to learn life's biggest 

lessons. Enjoy that flow! ♥

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happiness Is

  • Happiness is a hug from my kids
  • Happiness is coffee with a friend
  • Happiness is a good piece of chocolate
  • Happiness is the sun, shining on my face
  • Happiness is hearing "I love you mom"
  • Happiness is putting on my P.J.'s at the end of a long day
  • Happiness is walking around the mall by myself
  • Happiness is blasting my music while cruising down the street
  • Happiness is a squishy pillow
  • Happiness is a long, hot shower

Happiness is in everyday life, take to time look for it. 


Fear is controlling your life.
Fear is stopping you from moving forward.
Fear is debilitating.
Fear is keeping you stuck in a situation that is no longer working.


What are you afraid of? What do you think will happen if you make a  decision? What will happen if you move in a different direction? Life may look different, but is this a bad thing? When we make space in our lives by letting go of what is not working, what is clearly holding us back, we make room for what is meant to be. You have no idea what is out there in life just WAITING for you. Life is waiting for you! There is a whole world out there of possibilities, but if you continue to grasp onto what is holding you back you will live a truly unhappy existence.

Monday, April 23, 2012

‎"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why." -Albert Einstein

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Gift

What, at first glance, looks like struggle or tragedy; is really a gift. We need to go through struggle in life to be able to take a step back and look at life through a new pair of glasses. In the midst of struggle it is hard to see it as a gift; but as a professor of mine once said "Look for the Rainbows in the Clouds of Life". There are always rainbows. One of the most important things to remember is that there are no periods in life, only commas (TD Jakes).The Universe knows better than we humans, as to what we need for our soul's growth. We are so busy fighting the gift; what we should be doing is take time to absorb what is happening in our lives. Allow ourselves the time needed to work through our issues. This is most likely not going to be as quick as we would like, which is a real challenge for many.  We live in a very fast paced society where patience has been forgotten. I have found, through my own struggles, that just siting quietly and taking "walks" through my life, looking at what I have learned thus far, has really helped me.

I had known for 2 years that my mom was going to die. She was my only parent, my mom and my dad. During those 2 years I had to watch cancer take her, day by day. I am not through it yet, and I know I will never stop missing her. She died on December 30th, 2011. It has not even been 4 months yet and the pain is still fresh and with me daily. One may say, you knew this was coming, doesn't that make it easier? Not really. Not only did I loose my mother, but 2 weeks after her death my husband was laid off of his job. Now that one was not expected, what a shock that was. The initial reaction is "What, are you serious?" This did not feel like a gift!  Being the introspective, positive woman that I am, I took a step back to breathe and re-focus.The conclusion I came to was "This is not the end, it's the beginning". That is exactly what I said to my husband, who was already being very positive about the whole thing. As TD Jakes says, there are no periods in life, only commas. All though it has only been a short time since I lost my mother, I can already see the gifts she has left me with. This whole experience has been a journey, which is far from over. Life is a very twisty, curvy road with no end. If you go, or have taken one direction and you do not like it, then go another. It is all up to you to use the gift of life any which way you like. Struggle is one curve in the road to teach you something, to make you better on the flip side. When you are done with that curve, you will be ready to go the next turn.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Now Is The Time

No More Excuses! It is time to take responsibility for your life. You know in your soul what is right for you, it's time to stop ignoring it.

First thing you do is shake off the worry of what other people think; this is YOUR life YOUR gift, no one else's.
The second thing you do is pay attention to what your body is telling you. Depression, anxiety, stress, It's all your body's physical reaction to what is not right in your life. Listen to your soul.

We have all been conditioned to do "What's Right" by society's rules. Who made up these rules? God's rules are really the only ones that are important.

Now, I am not by any means saying to break laws, as laws do serve a very important purpose. What I am saying is break out of the rules and restraint's that we have placed on ourselves due to what we feel are the rules; what is expected of us. Stop using the "Have To's" as an excuse for not living.

I have to do this, I have to do that. Who Said?

If you knew you were going to die in 2 years, how would you live your life differently? The fact is that you have no idea when your life here on Earth will be over. NOW is the time!!!!! No more Have To's!!

One of my Favorite Quotes:

"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours-it is an amazing journey-and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins." Bob Moawad



What makes your soul sing and your heart dance?

What makes your soul sing and your heart dance?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Something I have learned in this last year is that nothing is as serious or monumental in this life as we make it out to be. Life is going to end, whether we build an underground bomb shelter or not. Eventually, we all have to go Home. So what do you have to loose? As Oprah said in Life Class "Your life is not getting any longer, its just the opposite". Every day that we live unfulfilled and unhappy, is another day wasted.

As I watched my mom go through the stages of cancer, eventually to succumb to the inevitable, I made a very conscious decision to live life differently. Ironic how death can not only take a life but give a life too. This is not to say that I wasn't previously living, but not the way I wanted. I have had a great life; starting with a great childhood. My teen years were fun, a little dangerous, but fun. Then at 19, I met the man of my dreams and started the family I always knew I wanted. Something went awry in my adult years as I was swallowed whole by life. Not only did I decide to have three kids, who by the way I wanted, I was also working, going to school, and trying to keep up with the day to day goings on of a family of 5. I was driven to be successful in life, always looking at the glass as half full. I was doing a pretty good job of juggling until my mom became sick.It's a little hard to be positive and driven in the midst of grief. 

This last year of being down gave me time to look at life through very different glasses and to re-assess what I want out of the rest of my time here on Earth. My mother has given me a gift; the gift of clarity. It is hard to describe, but I can see my life with more crisp, clearness than ever before. I definitely do not have all of the answers nor am I done with struggles, but I am ready to face what life throws my way as I have faith that everything will work out just the way it is supposed to. I know that this is my one and only chance to live and I refuse to blow it. I am ready to take the winding road of life, with all of its twists and turns, to where ever it shall take me. As Stephen Shapiro said "There are no wrong decisions, just decisions".

True Freedom

In order to gain freedom, we must first change what's on the inside. Once we free ourselves from our own thoughts and beliefs, we free ourselves to be who we were meant to be.

What My Mother Taught Me

  1. Security- The security I received from her love allowed me to safely travel out into the world and trust in myself. 
  2. Independence- She never stopped me from doing things my way, all though it probably wouldn't have worked anyway! 
  3. Strength- Watching her be a strong woman taught me that I could do, be, and have anything I set my mind to.
  4.  Courage- She had courage every day of her life; being a single mom, moving cross country with no job and no where to live, and even up to the very end of her life. My mom was the most courageous women I know.
  5. Spontaneity- She taught me that life is an adventure
  6. Freedom- She allowed me to just be a kid, no pressure from the adult world. 
  7. Laughter- She taught me that sometimes all you can do is laugh.
  8. Kindness/Compassion- There was not a person my mom met that didn't like her. She treated others the way she wanted to be treated.
  9. Nothing is for free- This is one of those silly things she said to me many, many years ago and I have always remembered it. Any time I get a call saying " you just won...." I remember her words of wisdom, "nothing is for free". 
  10. This life is just a short time in all of eternity- She said this one at the end of her life and I will carry it will me for all of time. 

My mother was the best person I have ever known, and I will be eternally thankful for all she has taught me

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here We Go!

Happiness is Freedom
Welcome to my first blog! The name of my blog started as a joke, as I love motivation. I like it so much I am regularly compelled to share anything motivational I come across, including my own insight. I  had a rough 2011, as my mom passed away December 30th.Loosing my mom, as hard as it was, helped me to view life through a very different scope. I have always been a glass half full kind of girl, so being positive comes very naturally to me. I have spent many hours contemplating the meaning of life this past year and what I know for sure is life ends, at least on Earth.  With this fact in mind, I have decided to take full advantage of the gift I have been given. Part of that gift, I feel, is to help others to be successful in life. I am not 100% sure what that means as of yet, but here I am.